Wednesday, December 14, 2011

This is what happens when I get sick

So while I sit here and wait to see if the antibiotics make me sick again today, I figure I'll write about this:

This is what happens when you lose a fight with a toilet.  Ahem.

This cold started last Tuesday, and Monday night I was up all night coughing, so I figured I'd go to the doctor yesterday and see if there was anything they could do about it.  I got the general "bronchitis" diagnosis and a script for azithromycin and figured I'd go into work for the afternoon.

Except I apparently failed some kind of fortitude save and/or a constitution check, because when I got to work, I lasted about a half hour before I was in the bathroom throwing up.  I hit my glasses with the toilet seat, and I was expecting the bruise, but on the inside of the eye where the nose pad of the glasses hit, not where it actually bruised.  (Taking the antibiotics at the same time as the Dayquil may have been a bad idea.)

You remember my post about jargon?  Yeah, I spent the whole drive home from my meeting this morning debating just which gaming scenario most accurately represents the event.  I mean, the failed fortitude save or constitution check is kind of obvious, since I got sick, and I managed to throw up in the toilet, and not on myself, so I must have made some kind of secondary constitution and/or dexterity check.  But I do have an Amy-Winehouse-eye-makeup shaped bruise going, so the toilet came out ahead on some roll.

Possible scenarios:

Really, though, I'm just glad I didn't break my glasses or, worse, knock the lens out and into the toilet.  So apparently I didn't entirely fumble the rolls, or I'd have had to pick my glasses out of the vomit or something.