Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Things I didn't notice in Draenor until flying

This is going to be an image heavy post.

The spires of light in Talador:

Crowds (relatively) at pet battles:

This elevator is not the Aldor Rise:

It's not actually that far from Frostfire to Nagrand:

I didn't have my view distance set on Ultra.  The clarity:

Alliance towns:

Seriously, these zones seem to be set up to route you completely away from the other faction's towns.  I couldn't tell you where most of them are.

The extent of the ogres in Nagrand:

(I think I quested there and I didn't realize just how big it was.)

The volcanic? peak over Hallvalor:

Holy crap, why did you give us Warspear, Bladespire looks frickin' awesome:

Hot damn, this place feels underused now.  Sorry, Bladespire.

Seriously, Bladespire:

Drov the Ruiner.  Sorry, Drov:

Oh, my God, the Foundry:

This is what it felt like to fly into Storm Peaks the first time and see all that Titan architecture.  This place is amazing, and we've been stuck down there not able to see the forest for the trees.

Trees in a steam vent:

Gorgrond isn't that much less confusing from the air, but at least the plants aren't trying to kill you up here:

Huh, I apparently had the music off and oh my God I know that music but why is it in flutes and not brass??

Well, this looks particularly uninviting from the air:

Huh, there's mountains up there:

Oh, they fel-broke the roof?

Huh, symbols inside the portal:

Okay, enough sight-seeing; time to level the druid:

1 comment:

  1. Coming late to this, but, this is one of the reasons I thought their 'We want you to enjoy seeing the world!' argument for taking flight away was weird. Previously, the way I felt it was most enjoyable to see the world was from the air!
