Saturday, August 5, 2017

Annual innudation of cucumbers

Initially, it was all about the peas.  Three quarts of unshelled peas, that shelled down to about two cups.  The peas are about done now.  The zucchini are pretty steady, never overwhelming; I've just got the three plants.

The peppers are a bit random, and the tomatoes, while trickling in at the grape size, aren't ready yet.

But the cucumbers.


This summer has been frequently unusually cool, but give them a week at 80+ degrees, and...

Tiny snail gave me an excuse to toss this one in the compost.  It was probably fine, but I picked seven others that day, and tiny snail.  (You may have to zoom in to see it.)

So I went out to check the cucumbers again this morning, and this is what I came back in with.

I've got what will be three quarts of pickle relish brining on the stove now, but I also have a baker's dozen more cucumbers on the counter still.  I may have to make some other kind of pickles in addition.

Why plant so many cucumbers, you might ask.  I have one row, six plants, partly trellised.  I thought backing it off (I've planted three times that many before) would be enough.  Nope.  I like cucumbers, but unlike zucchini, which is easy enough to turn into lasagna or zucchini bread or some chop up into stir fry and keep up with it, the cucumbers produce in volume enough to make it difficult to keep on top of.

So there will probably be more pickles.

At least it's not cherry tomatoes again!  (Yet.)

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