Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Bert's Bots

New pet battles!  Yay!

Some of the new pet battles in Battle for Azeroth have been... odd.  Pets that are not of the family you would expect for their name/model, multiple pet battles where you just have to survive because they self-destruct after ten or so rounds, and the like.

Bert's Bots is a mechanical fight in Gnomeregan.  Bert is outside the instance, but underground, so if you're Horde, you'll probably want to take the transporter from Grom'gol, rather than do something like use the Last Relic of Argus, because it pretty reliably lands me on Eastern Kingdoms, think, "Oh, that's close enough to fly," and then fly through the gnome guards and end up flagged and at 20% at the pet battle.

The first pet will swap two of your pets back and forth, the second kind of spams fire puddles on the floor that are dots that persist through pet swaps, and the third just kind of spams a basic mechanical attack.

I tried it with Hatespark the Tiny (2,1,1), Fel Flame (1,1,1), and Water Waveling (2,2,1).  Hatespark the Tiny is from the Molten Core anniversary raid thing, so if you didn't get one and don't want to shell out the exorbitant prices for him (I paid something like 25k for him just after the event ended, but the US median price on Undermine Journal right now is about 250k), any pet with Deep Burn and another ability that takes advantage of Burning is probably fine.  Looking into Water Waveling's abilities, Geyser is rarer than I realized, but Water Waveling is just tamed in Zul'drak, and the other pets average 3k-15k on the auction house.  (Water Waveling is my go-to elemental for pet battles that have mechanicals in them.)

Basically I started off with Flamethrower and then just used Conflagrate, Deep Burn, and Burn as Hatespark and the Fel Flame got swapped around, re-upping Burning as needed.  Eventually the bots got through both fire elementals, and the Water Waveling was able to finish off the last one - I used Geyser first since I definitely needed the damage and stun to finish it off.

Pets for Bert's Bots

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