Saturday, July 23, 2022

July updates

It's been hot and dry here, so the garden and the pond have both required watering.  The garden is producing, though.

Mid-July harvest: beans peas, squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, and not-quite-ready corn.

I suppose the pond is, as well; the fish are getting bigger, and the water hyacinth have been multiplying.

Pond with water hyacinth; there are fish in there somewhere

The sweet corn is not as visually impressive as the popcorn, but it will probably be ready for real by the end of the month.  The test ears were edible but still a bit babyish.

Sweet corn

The first butternut squash is on the vine; I don't know if I'll get as many as last year with the dearth of rain.

Butternut squash

Despite the dearth of rain, the tiger lilies are doing better than any previous years thus far, which is nice, since my zinnias are not doing that well this year.

Tiger lilies

In non-garden news, I started the Yiddish course in Duolingo.  It's been fascinating as someone who speaks English and studied German for several years, since they are all Germanic languages, to see how they've evolved similarly and where they've diverged.

Despite the heat, after about six it's not too bad for walking if the humidity is not too bad, and we went to a new trail last weekend.

Mid-July sunset.
Hopefully we get more rain soon; I have a lot of tomatoes coming on, and I'd like to get at least four batches of salsa out of them this year.

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